[Key word]
s: Coal mine safety supervision is an important approach to secure the safety production of the coal industry. Most research to date hasSfocused onSstudying the coal mine safety supervision from the perspective of traditional game which is not consistent with the actual situation with the assumption of totally rational participants and mutual knowledge, and theSrelevant research lacks long-termSdynamic game processSunder bounded rationality. According to analyzing the behavioral strategy of game players and their income under the different strategies, the model of long-termSdynamic game process under bounded rationality was constructed and analyzed for studying the evolutionary stable state under the different circumstances by using the evolutionary game theory and system dynamics. The results show that there are six kinds of evolutionary gameSbehaviorsSunder different conditions and three stableSequilibrium points between the state supervisory administration and coal mines based on the assumption of standard functions and interests, and the stableSequilibrium points are not only related to the coal enterprise’s security input costs, fines for illegal production and expected casualtySand propertySloss, but also related to the state administration’s supervision costs and fines for derelictionSofSduty.