[Key word]
Nowadays innovation has become the major engine for economic and social development; innovative capacity is the core element for national competitiveness. Technological innovation is fundamental for an aspiring University’s development; and the University has been the major driving force behind innovation and technology. A good infrastructure and management system is essential for any University aspiring to be a world-class research-orientated institution. It is also the foundation of the disciplinary development of the academic and world leaders of the future, who will be responsible for translating and introducing basic laboratory findings to the real world. The realization of the results of innovation and technology is now a highly integrated discipline; the “innovation team”, as the unit of the ‘system, its construction and development has become closely related to human resource and technology management and maximizing the efficiency of allocated resources. The practice of the innovative team of Sun Yat-sen University is introduced. For sustainable development, it is critical to form the innovative coalition.
教育部学校特色项目,国际化复合型眼科学领袖人才培养,编号 TS2014ZSDX039;中山大学高校管理研究重点项目,中美加三所科研机构创新团队管理机制的对比分析,编号2013A030483