Abstract:as the internal mechanism between inquiry lean construction technology and project performance, constructs the screening of BP and SVM variables 6S, visual management, the last planner and other 7 kinds of lean construction technology and knowledge ability, financial, owners, based on the coupling model of 5 project performance index and comprehensive index. The simulation results show that: in the analysis of coupled model simulation technology characteristics of lean construction and project performance sub index, prediction model of GA-BP is higher than standard BP neural network model based on the analysis of precision; coupled model simulation comprehensive indicators of performance technology characteristics of lean construction and project, the predictive model of SVM is higher than the precision of forecasting model GA-BP based on. In addition, using the BP and SVM combined with MIV algorithm to further explore the influence of different lean construction techniques of each index and comprehensive index of project performance. Research results provide decision support for the project stakeholders to improve the performance of project management.