提 要:为全面反映新时期下新疆跨越式发展的成果,亟需建立一套科学的测量指标体系与统计指数,评价全疆及各地区的综合发展状和态势。利用功效函数法与目标值法编制的新疆地区综合发展指数对新疆2010年至2012年14个地州的综合发展情况进行了测算和排序,并利用四象限分析法对各地州所处的发展阶段进行分析,总结出新疆地区发展过程中的区域结构特点。对科学地评价新疆地区差异,分析新疆地区综合发展情况具有一定的借鉴意义。
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To fully reflect the leap frog development fruits of Xinjiang in the new era, we need to establish a set of scientific statistic and measuring index system which could be used to evaluate the region comprehensive development status and trend. Taking advantage of the model of Exponential Effective Function and Objective Performance Criteria, we have developed a set of Comprehensive Development Index of Xinjiang. With the CDIXJ, the comprehensive developments of Xinjiang’s 14 administrative regions were measured and sorting from 2010 to 2012 respectively. Furthermore, we conducted Four-quadrant Analysis method to analyze the development phase of each regions and summed up the characteristics of regional structure in the development process in Xinjiang, which would contribute to the scientific evaluation of XinJiang"s economic growth and regional differences, as well as to the macro-policy making for regional development.