随着以大城市为核心的城市圈的崛起,我国区域经济新格局逐步形成。武汉城市圈作为湖北经济发展的核心区域和中部崛起的重要战略支点,其科技创新能力的提升将成为提高区域整体竞争力、辐射带动全省经济发展,并促进中部崛起的关键。构建一套由总量指标、质量指标、速度指标、加分指标共4类一级指标和22项二级指标所组成的科技创新综合考评指标体系;运用社会科学统计软件SPSS21,对武汉“1 8”城市圈区域科技创新能力进行实证分析与综合评价;同时分析了其科技创新能力建设障碍与发展潜力。
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With the rise of metropolitan area with metropolis as the core, the new pattern of regional economy in our country gradually forms. Wuhan metropolitan area is the core area of the economic development of Hubei province and the important strategic fulcrum of the rise of central China, the improving of its science and technology innovation ability will be the key of promoting the whole region competitiveness, Radiating to drive the economic development of the whole province, and promoting the development of central China. This paper constructs the scientific and technological innovation evaluation indicator system that is composed of four kinds of primary indicators and 22 secondary indicators, and uses SPSS21 to accomplish empirical analysis and comprehensive evaluation of the science and technology innovation ability of Wuhan metropolitan area, and at the same time analyses the obstacles and development potential of its science and technology innovation ability construction.