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In the context of China’s economy development entering “new normal” and commitment of carbon emission peaking in 2030, it is essential to fully use the market mechanism to reach the peak target. This paper considers the characteristics of energy consumption and carbon emissions from China"s industrial sectors, to simulate and evaluate short-term effects for a carbon price on each sector by building the Input-Output model. The result shows that if carbon price in China is set as high as the developed country, it will produce serious damage to China"s industrial competitiveness. Sectors with high energy intensity and carbon emissions intensity will be responsible for all the main cost burden. The export of trade exposure sector such as most of the manufacturing sectors declines much. This paper defines the key sector where the mitigation measures will be introduced in by establishing the index of carbon cost intensity and export trade intensity. In the simulation scenario, negative competitiveness effect will be reduced on price, output and export, but the energy conservation and emissions reduction effect will also be weakened. Therefore, the short-term policy effect on sectors should be concerned, and the different carbon price should be implemented in different sector according to their cost supporting capability, supporting capability and extent of the carbon price, to maintain its development space and adjustment ability in the era of carbon emissions constraints.
国家自然科学基金项目“基于强度减排的碳交易机制对产业竞争力影响的理论研究与ECGE模拟”(71273115)的阶段性成果, “中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(暨南远航计划)”( 15JNYH010),广州区域低碳经济研究基地基金项目。