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In today's world, the development of think tanks is related to national policy formulation and international influence, and the think tanks have become an important component of the national soft power and an important force to promote social and economic development. However, the development of China's think tanks is not high quality and lack of innovation and other issues, the new normal economic development in Guangdong, the urgent need to accelerate the construction of scientific and technological innovation think tank, give full play to its role as a think-tank. Firstly, it analyzes the importance and necessity of the development of Guangdong's scientific and technological innovation think tank. Secondly, it analyzes the present situation and existing problems of the development of Guangdong's scientific and technological innovation think tank in detail. It points out that the number of think tanks in Guangdong's scientific and technological innovation think tank is increasing, But also in the institutional system, policy supply, social participation and so there are some limitations, its quality and level of domestic and foreign advanced science and technology think tank there are gaps and other issues; Then, from the construction of Guangdong innovative think tank development mechanism should pay attention to the basic attributes and the specific construction of the development mechanism of the two aspects pointed out that the specific direction of development; finally, it pointed out that through the system improvement, the system innovation, social participation and other aspects of the path to promote the development of science and technology innovation think-tank.
广东省建设科技思想库研究课题“创新驱动发展战略下广东科协打造广东特色科技创新智库组织机制研究——基于网络理论视角”(2016GDSXK004); 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划2016年度项目“‘一带一路’战略下我国沿海省份基础设施投资效率及其综合效应研究”(GD16XYJ07); 广东省软科学研究计划项目“广东建设海上丝绸之路经济带科技合作圈的模式与路径研究”(2016A070705063)。