[Key word]
The development of strategic emerging marine industries cannot be separated from major marine technology breakthroughs and major development needs,science and technology innovation of marine and market demand are two main driving forces for the development of strategic emerging marine industries. Based on the analysis of the connotation and characteristics of the strategic emerging marine industries, Construct double helix model of the regional strategic emerging marine industries from creative double helix perspective.Taking jiangsu as an example, explore the development path of strategic emerging marine industries from creative double helix perspective, provide reference for the development of regional strategic emerging marine industries.
中国博士后科学基金第59 批面上资助项目“突破性技术创新驱动下江苏战略性海洋新兴产业发展研究”(编号:2016M591802);江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目“‘一带一路’国家战略背景下加快江苏战略性海洋新兴产业发展的路径及其政策取向研究” (编号:1501097C); 2016年度连云港市科技计划项目(软科学研究计划)“与产业转型升级相配套的科技创新人才培养模式研究—以连云港市为例”(编号:RK1607);江苏教育十二五规划重点资助课题“江苏战略性新兴产业升级视角下的高端技能型人才培养模式研究”(编号:B-a/2015/03/024);连云港市第五期“521工程”科研项目“一带一路”背景下加快连云港市战略性新兴产业发展的人才需求分析与培养路径研究”(编号:2015-34);连云港市第2批市级博士后科研资助基金项目“基于突破性技术创新驱动下的江苏战略性海洋新兴产业发展研究-以连云港市为例” (编号:2016-6)。