在“一带一路”背景下,以“海上丝绸之路”国际能源合作为切入点,基于最新的《世界能源统计年鉴》数据库,系统研究东南亚国家能源发展的演变趋势。主要的研究结论如下: (1)东南亚各个国家能源资源禀赋差异显著,且动态演变特征明显。(2)印度尼西亚、马来西亚和泰国是东南亚地区主要的能源生产国和能源消费国,新加坡是东南亚乃至全球重要的能源加工和转运中心。(3)东南亚国家的能源消费结构总体上以石油和天然气为主,各个国家能源消费结构差异化显著。(4)我国与东南亚国家开展能源国际合作,石油和天然气的竞争性合作将日趋激烈,水电、风电和光伏电等可再生能源合作潜力巨大。
[Key word]
Based on China"s Belt and Road Initiative, the process and outlook of energy development in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) were systematically examined. There were pronounced differences in resource endowment across the ASEAN countries. Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand were major energy producers and energy consumers in ASEAN. Singapore was still an important energy processing and transit center in southeast Asia and even the world. The energy consumption structure of ASEAN countries was mainly based on oil and natural gas. The international coorperation between Chian and ASEAN countries on fossil energy may tighten, but hydropower, wind and solar will bring tremendous scope for coorperation.
国家自然科学基金青年基金,“区域碳生产率的时空间演化及其多变量驱动因素研究——以广东省为例”(41501144);国家自然科学基金面上基金,“中国对东盟直接投资区位选择的过程、机制与路径研究”(41671128)。通讯作者:王长建(1986-),男,河南南阳人,博士,副研究员,中国地理学会会员(S110010114M),主要从事能源地理与区域可持续发展研究。E-mail: wwwangcj@126.com ,张虹鸥1,汪菲2