Abstract:The determination of weights is an important step in the comprehensive evaluation of multiple indicators. In this paper, the traditional AHP (AHP) can't get rid of the randomness in the evaluation process and the subjective randomness of the experts in practice, which makes the weight of the determination and the actual deficiencies, and proposes the idea of group decision making into the AHP method. By using expert opinions as the main basis for empowering various indicators, and gradually adjusting the weight ratio of each indicator according to the relevant logic between indicators, and maintaining dynamic empowerment, the traditional AHP method is improved. Then, based on the established indicator hierarchy model, the improved AHP method is used to obtain the subjective weight, which is applied to the method of determining the weight of the water supply performance evaluation indicator, and the satisfactory effect is obtained. The improved AHP method can be used to develop a reasonable and fair performance evaluation system, and can also be applied to the determination of other evaluation indicator system weights.