Abstract:Based on Cobb-Douglas production function to construct the Panel Date model, this paper makes an empirical research on the impact of sci-tech talents agglomeration, industry agglomeration and their interaction on regional innovation capability. It is found that the agglomeration of both manufacturing and productive services forms positive interactive effects with the sci-tech talents agglomeration and promotes the improvement of regional innovation capability. Sci-tech talents agglomeration contributes more to regional innovation capability than industry agglomeration. It is more dependent on the level of sci-tech talents agglomeration to promote the regional innovation capability. Sci-tech agglomeration has a significant positive impact on regional innovation capability, but industry co-agglomeration has a significant negative impact. There is a threshold effect on regional innovation capability of the industry co-agglomeration. When the log value of sci-tech talents agglomeration exceeds 0.2543, the total effect of industry co-agglomeration on regional innovation capability is positive, and it is lower than 0.2543, industry co-agglomeration has an inhibitory effect on regional innovation capability.