Abstract:Hsieh model method was adopted,constructing the mismatch model of agricultural and the potential growth of total factor productivity, the mismatch degree of agricultural science and technology human resources and agricultural science and technology financial resources in different industries and different regions from 2006 to 2016 and the impact of TFP by mismatch.The results show that:from the region,the distortion of human and financial resources of agricultural science and technology in eastern and western regions is more serious,and the overall distortion in eastern and central regions is more serious.from the industry level,the financial resources of agricultural science and technology are relatively surplus in agricultural reclamation and animal husbandry industry,and the human resources of agricultural science and technology are insufficient,planting industry has insufficient financial resources in agricultural science and technology and idle human resources in agricultural science and technology.From the TFP development potential of agriculture,if the mismatch between agricultural science and technology human resources and agricultural science and technology financial resources is effectively eliminated,the TFP of each region and each industry can be greatly improved.the TFP of each region and each industry can be greatly improved.the potential growth range of TFP in the eastern,central,and western region is 1.49 to 4.01.the potential growth range of TFP in planting,animal husbandry and cultivation industry is 1.21-3.53.