欧美主要国家的科研机构、资助机构和出版机构等主体正在以积极的态度参与到开放科学的实践中。从开放获取到开放科学的转变既是科学开放性的内在需求,也是社会对科学的外在需求。本研究通过 知识演化的文献计量分析,基于Web of Science 核心库中关于开放获取和开放科学的913篇论文引文数据(共16930篇),使用CiteSpace对相关论文发表数量、涉及学科、合作网络以及研究内容聚类等知识演化研究指标展开比较分析,并基于实证研究对转变过程中的相关挑战展开理论探讨。结果表明开放科学作为开放获取的新发展在相关研究的内容上面存在着继承和发展,仍需要展开更多具体的实证研究以增强其实践意义。
[Key word]
Open science is the new development of the openness of science. By the comparison of bibliometric indexes between open science and open access, this research is trying to address the policy challenge of open science based on the mapping of the knowledge development from open access to open science. This research adopts the knowledge mapping approach to analyse the disciplinary distribution, research content clustering and burst citation of open science and open access. It is also an analysis of the research collaboration networks that include countries and institutes in the research of open science and open access. We have found that the research of open science is flourishing by the comparison with the research of open access. The research collaboration of open science is covering more developing countries. We also found that the research of open science pays more attention to the demand for the early career researchers. However, open science still needs more concrete empirical analyses to reinforce its practical significance to respond to the challenge of policy research. This research will improve the understanding of the definition of open science in policy research and practice context. It offers bibliometric evidence for the further policy research and practices of open science.