随着技术标准和知识产权的关系日益密切,技术标准越来越体现为最新技术成果的积累,这为我们跟踪竞争对手动态、监测产业技术演化提供了丰富的技术信息。预期标准(Anticipatory Standards)的出现和标准化组织的数据库的不断完善,使得基于技术标准的竞争情报分析得以实现。案例研究中,本文首先对3GPP组织结构和标准制定流程进行简介,明确企业在其中的角色以及获取的标准信息和数据结构。并以3GPP中Release7-12阶段为例,从企业参与标准制定工作的数量、内容和竞争位势等方面对技术标准中所体现的竞争情报进行分析。
[Key word]
With the acceleration of technological progress and shortening of innovation cycles, technical standards have gradually broken through the traditional technical categories. Technological standards accumulativeness of latest technology and act as “retain” stage of technological evolution, make it possible for us to track competitors dynamic and monitor the evolution of industrial with the wealthy technology information it provided. With the emergence of anticipatory standards and the sizable standardization database, make technical standards-based competitive intelligence analysis possible. In case study, the first make a brief introduction of the organizational and information structure of 3GPP, then take Release7-12 in 3GPP standard as an example, analyzing from the quantity, content and other aspects to excavate potential competitive intelligence.
国家自然科学基金项目 基于中文文本挖掘技术的SIPOD专利知识演化分析(61272370)