[Key word]
Big Data technology brings innovation opportunities to scientific research management of Colleges and Universities, Such as scientizing the research topic selection, avoiding duplication of research, supervising of academic ethics , achieving reuse research data sharing and promoting university research transformation. To the end, we need to integrate more Internet data platform to build an integrated research management information data platform. We also need to strengthen the building、matching and docking of external demand databases and universitys’ research library. This is also essential to strengthen the "big data" propaganda and promote the transformation of the concept of scientific researchers.
有很多项,刘荫明等(2003)对2008年国家自然科学基金资助的部分研究论文成果研究发现,60%有2-4项基金资助[14];二是针对某一热点问题,大家“蜂拥而至”,各级各类针对同一课题资助的总量非常大,造成严重的重复研究问题,浪费科研经费和智力资源,如2003年“非典”时期,在各级政府科研主管机构立项的课题多达1000 余项[15];三是不同级别、不同区域之间针对一些相同或者具有很大共性的问题,重复资助研究,也带来巨大资源浪费。