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Recently China initiated the domestic carbon trading pilot schemes, restricting the carbon emission limit for certain enterprises. Facing severe pressure in economy and social,many enterprises have realized that the fundamental way to solve the carbon reduction problem is to adjust their business operations and policies or implement low-carbon technologies based on their carbon emission sources. In order to study and find out how to manage enterprise carbon emission, this paper intends to build enterprise carbon management process system from four aspects: carbon inventory development, carbon management cost control, carbon management decision-making and carbon information disclosure, and to explore the practicality of applying such corporate carbon management process system, therefore provide feasible suggestions and a reference for future research.
国家自然科学基金委项目“基于智能技术的国际碳市场价格驱动因素研究”(71101133),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目“碳金融创新—国际二氧化碳排放权市场价格形成机制研究”(NCET-11-0725)国家社科基金重点项目“我国碳市场成熟度及环境监管政策研究” (14AZD051)