通信保障应急预案体系是否合理有效,既是突发事件下应急救援工作高效展开的前提,又是保证通信畅通和快速恢复的关键。针对预案的有效性问题,构建了基于流程的有效性评估模型,并随机选取三个级别的预案进行评估说明。实例结果表明,我国各级别通信保障应急预案的编制水平整体 “良好”,尤其在“应急响应”和“后期处置”主题表现优秀,且预案越具体,有效性越高,但对“应急准备”主题的描述均不甚理想。
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Whether the emergency plan system of communication support is reasonable or effective, is not only the premise to rescue efficiently under emergencies, but also the key to ensure the smooth communication and rapid recovery. Aiming at the effectiveness of plans, this paper built a model evaluating the effectiveness based on the emergency procedure, and randomly selected three levels of plans for example. The results indicated that the establishment quality of plans at different levels is “good”, especially in the “emergency response” and “post-disposal” themes. And if the plan is more specific, the effectiveness is higher. However, the “emergency preparedness” theme performed poorly.
国家社会科学基金项目“公共突发事件通信保障应急预案的有效性评估方法及应用”(项目编号12XGL015) ;教育部人文社科基金规划项目“非常规突发事件下应急通信预案体系有效性评估理论和方法”(项目编号11YJA630016)