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The paper selects Tianjin as a representative of large industrial cities, and PLS method is used to study the factors that impact on the Tianjin carbon emissions based on the data from 1995 to 2012, build the STIRPAT model which decomposed carbon emissions into population, affluence, energy intensity, urbanization, the proportion of coal consumption, FDI, secondary industry and tertiary industry accounted for GDP, the gray GM(1,1) model is used to forecast the carbon emission strength of Tianjin in 2015 and 2020. The result of study shows that population and proportion of the tertiary industry were the most important driving forces impact the carbon emissions, and the environment Kuznets curve didn’t exist in Tianjin. By using the GM(1,1) the 2020 Tianjin city carbon emission strength is predicted to be 44.19% in 2005 and drop to 55.81%, far better than the national emission standards.
教育部人文社科规划项目“大型工业城市低碳发展的途径、模式与对策研究”(11YJA630046);天津市教委重大项目“天津建设生态宜居城市的策略与评价体系构建研究”(2011ZD031);天津市哲学社会科学规划资助项目“美丽天津视域下‘城市矿产’产业链协调发展研究”(TJYY13035);天津市高等学校创新团队培养计划资助(TD12-5013) )