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Based on the investigation to the influence factors and their relationship of S T Policy Executive Ability. This paper take classify to the various factors that affect the execution of S T policy. And analyze the hierarchical relationship between different factors by the ISM model. The results show that to the internal factors, the execution interest is on the surface, and the policy content and its services targets are on the bottom; while to the external factors, the S T needs and institutional environment are on the surface and bottom separately. As taken the internal and external factors together, the internal factors are mostly in the surface of other factors, and external factors are mainly on the bottom.
天津市科技发展战略研究专项资金项目“滨海新区新三年科技综合配套改革与创新战略研究”(14ZLZLZF00096) 天津市哲学社会科学规划项目“促进天津市经济增长及产业结构升级的教育结构优化研究”(编号:TJYY13-033)