自主创新的诱发机制是近年来我国学者研究的一个重要课题,本文对国内外近期研究自主创新诱发机制的文献进行了梳理和探讨。研究表明,促进企业自主创新的诱发因素既存在于企业内部,又存在于企业外部,同时因素之间还存在一定的相互作用。通过研究,本文提出一个适合于研究我国本土企业在转型时期的自主创新诱发机制的新的探索性研究框架。运用这一框架,我们试图解决以下问题: (1)企业的内外部存在哪些自主创新的诱因,这些诱因分别存在于企业内外部的哪些层级;(2)内外部同一层级之间、不同层级的诱因之间的关系如何;(3)内外部诱因,如何通过自上而下和自下而上的方式,构成本土企业自主创新的诱发机制,影响我国本土企业转型时期自主创新的战略选择。
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The inducing mechanism for innovation has been a heated research topic for Chinese researchers. In this paper we research into and discuss recent researches on inducing mechanisms for innovation. Our research indicates that the inducing factors of innovation exists both inside and outside the firm, and they can sometimes interact with each other to induce innovation. We bring up a research framework for studying the inducing mechanism of innovation in this article and use this framework to solve the following problems: (1) The inducing factors of innovation inside and outside of the firm, and in what levels of the organization do they reside in; (2) What are the relationships between different factors in the same level and in different levels of the firm; (3) How different inducing factors of innovation at the same or different levels of the firm constitute firm’s inducing mechanism for innovation, and how this inducing mechanism influence Chinese local firm’s innovation.
国家自然科学基金 项目名称: 开放网络组织间双边关系对企业分布式创新合作模式和知识共享的影响研究 项目批准号:71272138; 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(教育部博士点基金 项目名称: 面向战略性新兴产业的我国本土企业自主创新诱发机制及推进路径研究 项目批准号:20110201110016