知识、技术密集型创意服务世界贸易发展迅猛,中国面临如何进一步提升高端服务业国际竞争力的难题。本文通过与欧美发达国家、东亚邻国和新兴国家的全方位比较,采用TCI、RCA、NXRCA 和LFI等综合竞争力指标全面评估中国知识产权贸易的国际竞争力,发现中国国际竞争劣势非常明显,竞争力呈下降趋势,而发达国家知识产权服务贸易占据绝对优势的竞争地位等结论,提出了服务市场逐步有序开放、政策倾斜扶持、吸引高端服务业外商直接投资等对策建议。
[Key word]
The international trade of Property service grows rapidly. But it is difficult to improve the international competitiveness to the developing countries. Through the statistical analysis from TCI, RCA index, NXRCA indes and LFI of 8 countries, this paper find the following conclusions: The international competitiveness of China’s intellectual property trade has been lack of competitive advantages, which is still shrinking; The intellectual property in developed countries such as USA and Japan have a monopoly advantage in the world.
国家社会科学基金重大项目“提升我国文化产品国际竞争力的路径与策略研究”( 12&ZD027),教育部哲学社会科学发展研究报告培育项目“中国传媒国际竞争力研究报告”(11JBG045),国家社会科学基金项目一般项目“新旧媒体的消费者感知价值比较与我国传统媒体的战略转型路径研究”(13XXW002)