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Based on quantitative data collected from 310 valid questionnaires, the paper made an empirical analysis on organizational structure and behavior of nonprofit agricultural extension based on university using the factor analysis and principal component analysis. The research found that there are 3 common factors have significant influence on organization model of nonprofit agricultural extension based on university. The 3 common factors as follows: the policy and institution arrangeents of universities involved in the nonprofit agricultural extension,the attitudes of university managers on nonprofit agricultural extension, and the needs and value of nonprofit agricultural extension to the university. Taking account of 3 common factors and their high load capacity of sub-factor and deficiency of current organization pattern, the paper provided relevant suggestion on improving organization model of nonprofit agricultural extension based on university.
国家自然科学基金青年项目“制度分析视角下大学公益性农技推广组织模式与运行机制研究”(编号:71303117);南京农业大学-中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(学校配套) (编号:KJQN201409)“制度分析视角下大学公益性农技推广组织模式与运行机制研究”;江苏省政策引导类计划(软科学研究)专项基金 “新常态下江苏涉农高校农村科技服务体制机制研究——基于建立以高校为主的农业科技社会化服务体系视角”(BR2016042)