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Cultivating college students' innovative undertaking ability is an effective method to improve college students' comprehensive thinking ability and promote the employment of university students.Guangdong college students' science and technology innovation cultivation project fully combined training innovative and entrepreneurial talent with college’s personnel training program. From the perspective of five main bodies concerning Guangdong college students' innovation and pioneering, the article deeply analyzes the deficiencies of “climbing program” implementation under the current system and systematically puts forward the policy measuresabout improving the performance of Guangdong college students’sci-tech innovation project.
科技部国际合作项目:“中美在共同应对全球挑战背景下的新技术与新兴产业合作潜力分析”(2014KJBMDZM05);广东省软科学项目“广东科技企业安全生产应急能力评价指标体系及实证研究” (2010B070300052);共青团广东省委员会项目“广东高校共青团创新创业工作绩效评估研究”(45015179阶段性成果。