加强海洋生态治理,旨在实现海洋强国战略的重大举措。随着“互联网 ”时代的来临,公民网络参与公共事务尤其海洋环境治理的兴趣空前高涨,持续不断地影响公共政策议程。然而目前海洋生态治理的相关研究并未提及“互联网 ”应用模式,鲜有考虑到公民参与决策的重要性。因而,本文以海洋生态治理为体,以“互联网 ”主要推动力(大数据和“众包”)为用,构建一个功能定位上集民意整合与民智汲取双重功能于一体、动力机制上将自上而下的政府力量牵引和自下而上的社会公众力量发动相融合的“政府-NGO-公众”决策新模式,并指出此新模式在现实需求、成本-收益和实践能力等方面的可行性及在公民参与实践的优越性。
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Strengthening the marine environmental management is an important measure to realize the marine powerful strategy. With the “Internet Plus” era coming, the citizen via network participating in the public affairs, especially the marine environmental governance, unprecedentedly, influence the public policy agenda continuously. However, the related research of marine environmental management doesn’t mention the “Internet Plus” application mode, rarely considering the importance of citizen participation in decision-making. Therefore, with the body for the marine environmental management and the “Internet Plus” driving force(Big Data and Crowdsourcing), this paper constructs, the function for integrating the public opinion and the wisdom of people drawing double functions in one, and the dynamic mechanism for the top-down government power traction and the bottom-up public forces, a new model of “Government-NGO-Public” management decision fusion, thus pointing out the feasibility of the new model in the practical demand, the system cost and practical ability, and the superiority of the citizen participation in practice.