Abstract:The environmental behavior model and Technology Acceptance Model Based on responsibility,along the "external factors and psychological factor behavior logic analysis method, research on the action mechanism of external factors to construct the use behavior of rural residents for the first time analysis model. On this basis, using the survey data of 612 farmers in Jiangxi Province, the hypothesis testing of the model of the formation mechanism of the primary application behavior of clean energy is made. The results show that economic incentives, has a significant positive influence the usefulness of voluntary activities and clean energy attributes on Farmers" clean energy perception, cognitive motivation, economic activities on farmers voluntary environmental problems also have significant positive effects. Economic incentives, clean energy attributes, perceived usefulness and farmers" awareness of environmental issues have significant positive effects on the primary use of clean energy.The biggest impact on the primary application of the clean energy of farmers is the economic incentive policy. The biggest influence on the environmental problems of farmers and the perceived usefulness of clean energy are the voluntary activities of farmers.