在国家提出双创战略(“互联网+”与“大众创业万众创新”)的背景下,分析和评价目前已发布的相关政策结构,对进一步推进双创战略政策有重要意义。基于扎根理论提取45篇政策文本关键词的基础上,运用共词分析法对关键词进行共词聚类分析及多维尺度分析,识别出了政策结构及其特征。研究表明,两个新战略相关政策显现出以平台和基地建设为核心的5 大类政策关注点,同时识别出众创空间发展类政策与平台和基地建设类政策分离等问题,并提出了相应的政策建议。
[Key word]
In the context of “Internet +” and mass entrepreneurship and innovation, it is significant for improving the policy of these two areas to analysis and evaluate the rationality of current relevant policy structure. Based on the grounded theory method, this paper extracts the keywords of 45 policy texts, and the co-word analysis and multidimensional scale analysis are used to identify the construction of the policies and their characteristics. In the analysis, five focused areas of policy concerns emerged. It also finds that the interrelations are relatively weak between categories of maker space and the platform and base construction. Based on the findings this paper puts forward policy suggestions.