本文将企业家精神变量细分为企业家创业精神与创新精神变量,利用2000-2015年中国30个省市的面板数据,采用 DEA-Malmquist 指数法测算出各省市的全要素生产率等相关指标,并借助固定效应模型实证检验了企业家创业与创新精神对全要素生产率增长的影响。结果表明,企业家创业与创新精神对全要素生产率增长有显著的正效应,且各种稳健性检验印证了上述结果。基于实证分析结果,我们还提出提高创业和创新精神进而促进地区全要素生产率增长的对策建议。
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The article divides entrepreneurship variable into two variables of entrepreneurship spirit and innovation spirit. Based on the panel data of 30 provinces during 2000-2015 in China and the DEA-Malmquist index approach, we calculates the indices of China’s total factor productivity. At the same time, applying a fixed effects model, this study tests the influence of entrepreneurship spirit and innovation spirit on China’s total factor productivity. The estimation results show that both entrepreneurship spirit and innovation spirit have positive effects on China’s total factor productivity growth, a variety of robustness tests confirm the above result once again. Based on the result of empirical analysis, we put forward some countermeasures and suggestion in increasing entrepreneurship spirit and innovation spirit to promote regional total factor productivity.