特朗普政府退出《巴黎气候变化协定》后,个人碳交易研究是否还有意义?个人碳交易研究向哪些方向发展?本文基于文献计量学引文网络分析工具CiteSpace III,以SSCI与SCIE数据库中1996-2017年个人碳交易为主题的文献为研究对象,从个人碳交易研究历史、国家、机构、作者、发展脉络、关键词以及主题等方面对文献进行可视化分析,并重点分析了各时期共被引频次最多的文献;文章还对CSSCI来源的个人碳交易文献进行了总结,并将SCIE来源于CSSCI来源的文献进行了对比。
[Key word]
Does personal carbon trading research still have meaning and where it to go after Trump government withdrawing from
? This paper studies foreign personal carbon trading papers from SSCI and SCIE database based on CiteSpace Ⅲ software, and draws knowledge map of personal carbon trading research from the perspective of research history, issuing countries, institutions, authors, development context, research priorities and theme. The paper focuses on the analysis of the most cited papers in each period. The paper also analyses papers about personal carbon trading from CSSCI database and compared with papers from SSCI.