广东省新型研发机构建设起步于1996年,至今已发展22年,由于数据的复杂性,目前针对该新物种发展现状的数据研究不系统。在相关文献和理论研究的基础上建立评价广东省新型研发机构绩效的四方面维度: 研发条件、创新活动、创新效益和人才培养, 并结合 2015-2017 年广东省新型研发机构统计数据进行定量分析。研究表明: 广东省新型研发机构的发展卓有成效,走在全国前沿; 但也发现了存在质量发展不均衡(量质不高、扶持不准)及可持续发展能力(分布不均、标准不明)有待提高等问题。
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The construction of new R D institutions in Guangdong Province started in 1996 and has been developing for 22 years. Due to the complexity of the data, the current research on the development of this new species is not systematic. On the basis of related literatures and theoretical studies, we establish four dimensions to evaluate the performance of new R D institutions in Guangdong Province: research and development conditions, innovation activities, innovation benefits and personnel training, and quantitative analysis based on the statistics of new R D institutions in Guangdong from 2015 to 2017 . The research shows that the development of new R D institutions in Guangdong Province has achieved fruitful results and is at the forefront of the country. However, it is also found that there are still problems of unbalanced quality development (low quality, unfair support) and capacity for sustainable development (uneven distribution and unclear standards) Improve and other issues.
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“新型研发机构的形成机理、治理机制和政策研究:创新价值链视角”(71673062);广州市哲学社会科学发展“十三五”规划“广州实施创新驱动推动广州经济转向高质量发展阶段研究:基于颠覆性创新的视角”(2018GZQN30);广州市科技计划项目“广州市新型研发机构发展状况、 存在问题及发展规划研究”(201709020005);广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“高校新型研发机构的组织模式与运行机制研究—以广东省高校为样本”(GD15CGL02);2016年度广东省公益研究与能力建设专项重点项目“广东新型研发机构界定评价与提升发展研究”(2016B070704009)