在知识经济背景下,企业的智力资本很大程度上影响甚至决定了其市场竞争力。但智力资本究竟如何作用企业? 以往的研究容易忽视其内部的作用机制,以至于智力资本各维度间的作用关系仍是一个“黑箱”。因此本文在前人研究基础上,从智力资本的四维结构出发,通过206家中国企业的数据研究发现:智力资本不仅能直接影响组织绩效,还可通过其它维度间接影响组织绩效;同时这四个结构维度间还存在交互效应,它们不同程度地影响着组织绩效。
[Key word]
In the context of the knowledge economy, the intellectual capital of a company has largely influenced or even determined its market competitiveness. But how does intellectual capital work in the enterprise? Past research tends to ignore its internal mechanism of action, so that the relationship between the dimensions of intellectual capital is still a "black box." Therefore, on the basis of previous research, this paper starts with the four-dimensional structure of intellectual capital and finds data from 206 Chinese companies: Intellectual capital not only directly affects organizational performance, but also indirectly affects organizational performance through other dimensions. There are also interaction effects between structural dimensions, which affect organizational performance to varying degrees.
本文受国家自然科学基金项目(71573234)的资助 基金项目名称:高绩效工作系统、智力资本与组织绩效关系研究:内外部契合的视