研究采用Biennial Malmquist指数,利用微观层面企业数据,测算了统计标准提高后北京市工业企业技术创新能力的变化;不仅为界定不同行业技术创新层次和基本特征提供了新依据,而且验证了中国工业TFP增长更多依赖技术进步、导致技术效率持续恶化的观点。鉴于该趋势在小型企业中同样突出,反映出我国工业企业急功近利的短期行为已相当普遍,培育良好的市场运行准则和积极长效的发展环境是除了关注工业企业TFP增长外,更应尽早着手解决的问题。
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This paper uses the Biennial Malmquist index and uses the enterprise data at the micro level to calculate the efficiency and technological change of the industrial enterprises in Beijing, after the statistical standard is raised. It not only provides a new way to define the technological innovation level and characteristics of different industries, but also verifies the view that China's industrial TFP is growing more dependent on technological change, rather than efficiency. As this situation is also prominent in small enterprises, the short-term behaviors of industrial enterprises in China are quite common, so the good market operation standards and positive long-term development environment are more important than the TFP growth of industry at the present stage.
北京市自然科学基金“基于实证分析的北京市自然科学基金绩效评估与资助策略研究”(9182009)项目来源:北京师范大学自主研究重点项目“改革开放以来中国全要素生产率再分析”(310422106) 陈娜 杨楠