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Focus on the green production behavior of family farms, a new business operator, based on the survey data of 468 rice growers in three cities in Jiangsu province, by using the propensity score matching and mediating effect model, this research empirically analyzes the impact of family farm on green production behavior and the mediating effect of agricultural training on family farms and green production behaviors. The results show that more than 45% of the rice grower in the sample do not adopt green production technology, and their costs of chemical fertilizer and pesticides are relatively high; family farms can increase green production behavior, family farm operators will not only adopt more green production technologies, but also reduce the input of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and theycan be encouraged to participate in agricultural training that mediates the relationship between family farms and green production practices. Therefore, in order to increase green production behaviors, it is necessary to encourage qualified producers to apply for family farms, set up a model benchmark, and through various channels of training and publicity, promote the green production of standardized production, energy conservation and efficiency, and continuously improves agricultural green production. Key word: green production; family farm; agricultural training; propensity score matching; mediating effect