Abstract:[Purpose/Significance]Foreign technology dependence reflects a country's dependence on external technology and is a key index to measure a country's technological innovation ability. However, the current research on foreign technology dependence emphasizes empirical application rather than theory research. And there are some problems such as data acquisition difficulty, poor comparability of results, lack of technical core, and ignore of implicit dependence.[Methods/Process]This paper firstly improves the theoretical basis of foreign technology dependence measurement by sorting out the concept context, analyzing the concept connotation, summarizing the measurement methods and distinguishing the correlation. Then, this paper summarizes the current research into the regional measurement method research with algorithm optimization as the main content, the field application research with industry analysis as the main content, and the quantitative demonstration research with mutual relations and influencing factors as the main content. This paper also reviews in detail the research progress on the improvement of measurement methods at the evaluation object, measurement ways and data level, and reveals that there is still a lack of research on the relationship and influence of foreign dependence. [Result/Conclusion] In the future, it is necessary to strengthen the theoretical basis of foreign technology dependency measurement research, explore the patent-based measurement methods, and study the strategic management of foreign technology dependency based on the threshold effect and comfort zone analysis.